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    • panicked or panick or panick
  • (42)
Raccoon dog held in a cage at a fur farm, Europe coat,furry,pelt,Fur,furs,pet,zoo,captured,held,Captive,zoological,Sad,upset,sadness,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,farmed land,farm land,farmland,Farming,industry,farm,Human impact,human influen
Raccoon dog held in a cage at a fur farm, Europe
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm, Europe farmed land,farm land,farmland,Farming,industry,farm,coat,furry,pelt,Fur,furs,Human impact,human influence,anthropogenic,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,Sad,upset,sadness,pet,zoo,captured,held,Ca
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm, Europe
Lion being beaten into submission at a circus in France panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,humans,human,People,homo sapiens,persons,person,homo sapien,guarded,guard,danger,Defensive,defense,protecting,guarding,defence,protective,warn,warning,protect,warn
Lion being beaten into submission at a circus in France
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,Human impact,human influence,anthropogenic,pet,zoo,captured,held,Captive,zoological,Sad,upset,sadness,negative,sad,farmed land,farm land,farmland,Farming,industry,
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada
Lions kept in a tiny cage at a French circus pet,zoo,captured,held,Captive,zoological,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,Tourism,Sad,upset,sadness,Trafficking,wildlife trafficking,animal trafficking,animal traffic,black market,wildlife traffic
Lions kept in a tiny cage at a French circus
Red fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,negative,sad,coat,furry,pelt,Fur,furs,Sad,upset,sadness,farmed land,farm land,farmland,Farming,industry,farm,Human impact,human influence,anthropogenic,pet,zoo,cap
Red fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada
Asiatic moon bear being rescued and moved to the Animals Asia sanctuary, Vietnam Animal rescue,rescued,negative,sad,Sad,upset,sadness,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,sanctuary,rescue,shelter,Asiatic black bear,Ursus thibetanus,Bears,Ursidae,Chordates,Chordata,Carnivores,Carni
Asiatic moon bear being rescued and moved to the Animals Asia sanctuary, Vietnam
Rescued Asiatic moon bear, Miracle, being moved to the Animals Asia sanctuary, Vietnam negative,sad,Sad,upset,sadness,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,Animal rescue,rescued,sanctuary,rescue,shelter,Asiatic black bear,Ursus thibetanus,Bears,Ursidae,Chordates,Chordata,Carnivores,Carni
Rescued Asiatic moon bear, Miracle, being moved to the Animals Asia sanctuary, Vietnam
Tam Dao's Animals Asia head vet sadly looks on at Miracle, who has been in this cage for 8 years, Vietnam Sad,upset,sadness,panic,panicked,worried,scared,Afraid,negative,sad,Animal rescue,rescued,sanctuary,rescue,cage,caged,Asiatic black bear,Ursus thibetanus,Bears,Ursidae,Chordates,Chordata,Carnivores,Ca
Tam Dao's Animals Asia head vet sadly looks on at Miracle, who has been in this cage for 8 years, Vietnam
An Eastern cottontail Rabbit has its head held up searching its surroundings Eastern cottontail rabbit,cottontail rabbit,rabbit,rabbits,cottontail,alert,brown,fur,grass,green,eyes,panicked,surprise,ears,shallow focus,green background,bunny,field,Eastern cottontail,Sylvilagus f
An Eastern cottontail Rabbit has its head held up searching its surroundings
Wildebeest charging through the Mara river, as part of the annual migration. leap,leaping,jump,jumping,chaos,chaotic,wild,panic,panicked,river,river crossing,rivers,rivers and streams,migrate,migration,crossing,journey,commute,herd,group,mass,wildebeest,brindled gnu,antelope,a
Wildebeest charging through the Mara river, as part of the annual migration.
Wildebeest charging through the Mara river, as part of the annual migration. leap,leaping,jump,jumping,chaos,chaotic,wild,panic,panicked,river,river crossing,rivers,rivers and streams,migrate,migration,crossing,journey,commute,herd,group,mass,wildebeest,brindled gnu,antelope,a
Wildebeest charging through the Mara river, as part of the annual migration.
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