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Red-tailed bumblebee Animalia,Arthropoda,Insecta,Hymenoptera,Apoidae,Bombus,Bombus lapidarius,red-tailed bumblebee,bee,bees,bumblebees,insect,insects,invertebrate,invertebrates,nectar,flower,flowers,pollen,pollinator,stri
Red-tailed bumblebee
Harlequin ladybirds mating macro,nature,Animalia,Arthropoda,Insecta,Lepidoptera,butterfly,butterflies,insect,insects,invertebrate,invertebrates,orange tip,anthocharis cardamines,pieridae,pierid,Orange-tip,Anthocharis cardamines
Harlequin ladybirds mating
Small tortoiseshell on scabiosa macro,nature,Animalia,Arthropoda,Insecta,Lepidoptera,butterfly,butterflies,insect,insects,invertebrate,invertebrates,orange tip,anthocharis cardamines,pieridae,pierid,Orange-tip,Anthocharis cardamines
Small tortoiseshell on scabiosa
Aphids gathered on a leaf macro,nature,insect,aphid,blackfly,black aphid,Animalia,Arthropoda,Insecta,Hemiptera,Aphididae,Aphis,RAW,Black aphids
Aphids gathered on a leaf
A horned grebe swims on the bright blue water on a sunny evening showing off its red eye blue,GREBES,Horned Grebe,eye,red,sunlight,sunny,swimming,water level,white,Horned grebe,Podiceps auritus,Grebes,Podicipediformes,Ciconiiformes,Herons Ibises Storks and Vultures,Aves,Birds,Podicipedida
A horned grebe swims on the bright blue water on a sunny evening showing off its red eye
A juvenile tri-coloured heron stands in shallow water with a small minnow it just caught in its bill Tri-Coloured Heron,brown,catch,eating,feeding,fish,fishing,grey,high key,juvenile,legs,minnow,rust colour,small,smooth background,soft light,sunny,wading,white,white background,Tricoloured heron,Egret
A juvenile tri-coloured heron stands in shallow water with a small minnow it just caught in its bill
A diamond Back Terrapin walks across a dirt road on a sunny afternoon blue,brown,diamond back terrapin,dirt,grey,green,reptile,shell,turtle,walking,Diamondback terrapin,Malaclemys terrapin,Diamondbacked terrapin,Turtles,Testudines,Reptilia,Reptiles,Chordates,Chordata,Po
A diamond Back Terrapin walks across a dirt road on a sunny afternoon
A female red-breasted merganser swims right at the camera after surfacing from a dive on a bright sunny day blue,Red-Breasted Merganser,Waterfowl,brown,duck,eyes,female,funny,goofy,head on,hen,orange,red,sunny,swimming,water,water level,white,Red-breasted merganser,Mergus serrator,Ducks, Geese, Swans,Anatid
A female red-breasted merganser swims right at the camera after surfacing from a dive on a bright sunny day
A grey squirrel stands tall with an alert look in soft light with a smooth green background alert,brown,cute,ears,funny,fur,furry,grey,gray squirrel,green,standing,tail,tame,whiskers,white,Grey squirrel,Sciurus carolinensis,Rodents,Rodentia,Squirrels, Chipmunks, Marmots, Prairie Dogs,Sciurid
A grey squirrel stands tall with an alert look in soft light with a smooth green background
A blue-gray gnatcatcher sits perched on a branch in front of a soft pink background of cherry blossom trees in spring blue,blue-Gray Gnatcatcher,Cherry Blossom,flowers,grey,green,overcast,pastel,perched,pink,soft light,stick,white,Animalia,Chordata,Aves,Passeriformes,Polioptilidae,Polioptila caerulea,Blue-grey gnatca
A blue-gray gnatcatcher sits perched on a branch in front of a soft pink background of cherry blossom trees in spring
A ruddy turnstone stretches it wing and leg while standing on a light rock jetty blue,Ruddy turnstone,shorebird,bird,birds,coast,coastal,sandpiper,brown,feathers,foot,grey,jetty,leg,orange,overcast,rock,smooth background,soft light,stretch,white,Arenaria interpres,Sandpipers, Phal
A ruddy turnstone stretches it wing and leg while standing on a light rock jetty
A red-shouldered hawk sits perched in a pine tree Red-shouldered hawk,hawk,bird of prey,raptor,bird,birds,alert,brown,green,orange,overcast,perched,pine needles,pine tree,red,soft light,white,Buteo lineatus,Falconiformes,Hawks Eagles Falcons Kestrel,
A red-shouldered hawk sits perched in a pine tree
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