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A green heron perches on a dead tree in front of a bright green background with soft overcast lighting Green Heron,brown,green,legs,perched,soft light,stick,tree,white,Butorides virescens,Green heron,Chordates,Chordata,Herons, Bitterns,Ardeidae,Ciconiiformes,Herons Ibises Storks and Vultures,Aves,Birds
A green heron perches on a dead tree in front of a bright green background with soft overcast lighting
A red-winged Blackbird perches on a plant in front of a smooth background on an overcast day Red-Winged Blackbird,blackbird,bird,birds,green,overcast,perched,plant,red,smooth background,soft light,Agelaius phoeniceus,Red-winged blackbird,Chordates,Chordata,Aves,Birds,Perching Birds,Passerifor
A red-winged Blackbird perches on a plant in front of a smooth background on an overcast day
A small song sparrow sits perched on a lot in the bright sun Song Sparrow,brown,cute,perched,small,sunny,tree,white,wood,Animalia,Chordata,Aves,Passeriformes,Passerellidae,Melospiza melodia,sparrow,bird,birds,Animal,BIRDS,Log,nature,wildlife
A small song sparrow sits perched on a lot in the bright sun
A Northern gannet banks hard in front of a wavy ocean background on a soft sunny afternoon seabird,bird,birds,coastal,coast,Northern Gannet,Pelagic,flying,ocean,sunny,white,wings,Gannet,Morus bassanus,Aves,Birds,Pelicans and Cormorants,Pelecaniformes,Chordates,Chordata,Ciconiiformes,Herons
A Northern gannet banks hard in front of a wavy ocean background on a soft sunny afternoon
A small flock of mute swans fly into the orange and yellow sunrise early one morning Mute Swan,Waterfowl,beach,clouds,duck,early,flock,flying,group,morning,orange,pink,sand,sunrise,white,wings,swan,swans,bird,birds,Cygnus olor,Mute swan,Aves,Birds,Chordates,Chordata,Anseriformes,Ducks
A small flock of mute swans fly into the orange and yellow sunrise early one morning
A female Northern cardinal perches on the top of a very bright red bush on a sunny morning cardinal,bird,birds,brown,bush,colourful,female,orange,perched,red,sunny,vibrant,Northern cardinal,Cardinalis cardinalis,Cardinalidae,Cardinals,Chordates,Chordata,Aves,Birds,Perching Birds,Passeriform
A female Northern cardinal perches on the top of a very bright red bush on a sunny morning
A large mute swan takes flight in the early morning sun against an almost all black background Mute Swan,Waterfowl,big,dark,dramatic,duck,early,flying,large,morning,orange,sunlight,white,wings,swan,swans,bird,birds,Cygnus olor,Mute swan,Aves,Birds,Chordates,Chordata,Anseriformes,Ducks, Geese, S
A large mute swan takes flight in the early morning sun against an almost all black background
A horned grebe sits low in the water as it swims by in the bright blue water with red eyes blue,GREBES,Horned Grebe,eye,red,sunlight,water,water level,white,Horned grebe,Podiceps auritus,Grebes,Podicipediformes,Ciconiiformes,Herons Ibises Storks and Vultures,Aves,Birds,Podicipedidae,Chordat
A horned grebe sits low in the water as it swims by in the bright blue water with red eyes
A snow goose flies in to land in a field filled with snow geese on an overcast winter day Snow goode,goose,geese,bird,birds,Waterfowl,action,duck,flock,flying,orange,pink,white,wings,Snow goose,Chen caerulescens,Chordates,Chordata,Ducks, Geese, Swans,Anatidae,Anseriformes,Aves,Birds,Anser
A snow goose flies in to land in a field filled with snow geese on an overcast winter day
A portrait of a belted kingfisher perched on an old dead branch in front of a smooth green background with soft overcast light Belted kingfisher,kingfisher,bird,birds,Portrait,bark,brown,feathers,feet,green,overcast,perched,smooth background,soft light,striking,texture,white,Megaceryle alcyon,Chordates,Chordata,Aves,Birds,Cor
A portrait of a belted kingfisher perched on an old dead branch in front of a smooth green background with soft overcast light
A killdeer pulls a worm from the ground on a sunny day in a field Killdeer,PLOVERS,action,brown,eating,feeding,field,grass,isolated,orange,pulling,smooth background,sunny,white,worm,Charadrius vociferus,Charadriidae,Lapwings, Plovers,Aves,Birds,Chordates,Chordata,Ci
A killdeer pulls a worm from the ground on a sunny day in a field
A snow goose flies in to land in a field filled with snow geese on an overcast winter day Snow goode,goose,geese,bird,birds,Waterfowl,action,duck,flock,flying,orange,pink,white,wings,Snow goose,Chen caerulescens,Chordates,Chordata,Ducks, Geese, Swans,Anatidae,Anseriformes,Aves,Birds,Anser
A snow goose flies in to land in a field filled with snow geese on an overcast winter day
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