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    • (l and (phlaeas or phlaea))
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Side view of a nudibranch on coral - Tanzania Nudibranch,Nudibranchia
Side view of a nudibranch on coral - Tanzania
Purple nembrotha nudibranch - Tanzania Purple nembrotha nudibranch,Nembrotha purpureolineolata
Purple nembrotha nudibranch - Tanzania
Crocodile Flathead close-up of eye - Tanzania Crocodile Flathead,Cymbacephalus beauforti
Crocodile Flathead close-up of eye - Tanzania
Banded coral shrimp portrait on coral - Tanzania Banded coral shrimp,Stenopus hispidus
Banded coral shrimp portrait on coral - Tanzania
School of Scalefin Anthias, side view - Tanzania Scalefin Anthias,Pseudanthias squamipinnis
School of Scalefin Anthias, side view - Tanzania
Purple nembrotha nudibranch - Tanzania Purple nembrotha nudibranch,Nembrotha purpureolineolata
Purple nembrotha nudibranch - Tanzania
Spotted Sandperch portrait on sandy substrate - Tanzania Spotted Sandperch,Parapercis hexophtalma
Spotted Sandperch portrait on sandy substrate - Tanzania
Christmas tree worms residing in the reef Animalia,Annelida,Polychaeta,Canalipalpata,Serpulidae,Spirobranchus,Spirobranchus giganteus,Christmas tree worm,worm,worms,polychaete  worm,reef,coral reef
Christmas tree worms residing in the reef
A discarded fishing net has entangled and killed a shark, known as ghost fishing ghost fishing,fishing gear,discarded,ghost net,fishing net,water column,floating,trap,death trap,entanglement,tangled,net,fishing,pollution,litter,lethal,reef,sea,ocean
A discarded fishing net has entangled and killed a shark, known as ghost fishing
Discarded fishing net floating through the water column ghost fishing,fishing gear,discarded,ghost net,fishing net,water column,floating,trap,death trap,entanglement,tangled,net,fishing,pollution,litter,lethal,dead,shark sharks,fish,scuba,diver,human,perso
Discarded fishing net floating through the water column
Black noddy's investiagting a bottle recycling collection noddy,bird,birds,sea bird,recycling,recycling site,glass,bottle,bottles,Black noddy,Anous minutus,Laridae,Gulls, Terns,Chordates,Chordata,Charadriiformes,Shorebirds and Terns,Aves,Birds,Ciconiiformes,
Black noddy's investiagting a bottle recycling collection
A dead frigate bird, likely died from starvation due to plastic ingestion bird,birds,sea bird,plastic,plastic waste,plastic pollution,stomach,dead,death,choked,starved,starvation,ingestion,pollution,litter,marine,marine pollution,lighter,plastic straw,frigate bird,juvenile,
A dead frigate bird, likely died from starvation due to plastic ingestion
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