ConservationProjectsWe Animals (227) More files...
We Animals is an ambitious project which documents, through photography, animals in the human environment. Humans are as much animal as the sentient beings we use for food, clothing, research, experimentation, work, entertainment, slavery and companionship.

With this as its premise, We Animals aims to break down the barriers that humans have built which allow us to treat non-human animals as objects and not as beings with moral significance. The objective is to photograph our interactions with animals in such a way that the viewer finds new significance in these ordinary, often unnoticed situations of use, abuse and sharing of spaces.
African elephant, Kenya savannahs,savana,savannas,shrubland,savannah,Savanna,environment,ecosystem,Habitat,Terrestrial,ground,Grassland,ear,Ears,face,Tusks,tusk,African elephant,Loxodonta africana,Elephants,Elephantidae,Chor
African elephant, Kenya
Ape Action Africa sanctuary in Cameroon Portrait,face picture,face shot,Facial portrait,face,Temperate rainforest,Animal rescue,rescued,Western gorilla,Gorilla gorilla,Primates,Mammalia,Mammals,Chordates,Chordata,Hominids,Hominidae,Gorila,G
Ape Action Africa sanctuary in Cameroon
Dead cobra sold as snake wine in a Vietnamese market Stage,Dead,Animalia,Chordata,Reptilia,Squamata,Elapidae,cobra,cobras,snake,snakes,reptile,snake wine,market
Dead cobra sold as snake wine in a Vietnamese market
Ape Action Africa sanctuary in Cameroon Western gorilla,Gorilla gorilla,Primates,Mammalia,Mammals,Chordates,Chordata,Hominids,Hominidae,Gorila,Gorille,Endangered,Gorilla,gorilla,Animalia,Africa,Tropical,Herbivorous,Terrestrial,Arboreal,Appe
Ape Action Africa sanctuary in Cameroon
American bullfrog in a swamp, USA environment,ecosystem,Habitat,fresh water,Freshwater,Wetland,mire,muskeg,peatland,bog,Aquatic,water,water body,swamp,Terrestrial,ground,American bullfrog,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Ranids,Chordat
American bullfrog in a swamp, USA
Bushmeat and dog hanging for sale in a Vietnamese market Stage,Dead
Bushmeat and dog hanging for sale in a Vietnamese market
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada Arctic fox,Vulpes lagopus,Carnivores,Carnivora,Mammalia,Mammals,Chordates,Chordata,Dog, Coyote, Wolf, Fox,Canidae,Alopex lagopus,Polar fox,Zorro Ártico,Isatis,Renard Polaire,Reynard Polaire,North Amer
Arctic fox held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada
American bullfrog in a swamp, USA American bullfrog,Lithobates catesbeianus,Ranidae,Ranids,Chordates,Chordata,Anura,Frogs and Toads,Amphibians,Amphibia,bullfrog,common bullfrog,Lithobates catesbeiana,Rana catesbeiana,Rana Toro,Grenoui
American bullfrog in a swamp, USA
Raccoon dog held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada Raccoon dog,Nyctereutes procyonoides,Mammalia,Mammals,Chordates,Chordata,Dog, Coyote, Wolf, Fox,Canidae,Carnivores,Carnivora,Chien Viverrin,Perro Mapache,Urban,Terrestrial,Temperate,Nyctereutes,Asia,O
Raccoon dog held in a cage at a fur farm in Quebec, Canada
Vulturine guineafowl, Kenya environment,ecosystem,Habitat,coloration,Colouration,Terrestrial,ground,Grassland,azul,Blue,colours,color,colors,Colour,Vulturine guineafowl,Acryllium vulturinum,Aves,Birds,Gallinaeous Birds,Galliform
Vulturine guineafowl, Kenya
Ostrich, Kenya Grassland,Terrestrial,ground,savannahs,savana,savannas,shrubland,savannah,Savanna,environment,ecosystem,Habitat,Ostrich,Struthio camelus,Ostriches,Struthionidae,Aves,Birds,Struthioniformes,Chordates,C
Ostrich, Kenya
Birds kept in sad, cramped conditions at a Vietnamese market Resource exploitation,Human impact,human influence,anthropogenic
Birds kept in sad, cramped conditions at a Vietnamese market